Parenting Support

The point of parenting is not to have all the answers before we start out but instead to figure it out on the go as our children grow. Because as they do, so will we. -Bridgett Miller

Parenting is a journey that touches every part of our lives—our bodies, our daily routines, our soul’s journey. It is both a tough and enchanting job.

You don’t have to do it alone.

Many parents come in and tell me they want to parent differently than they were parented but find themselves doing what their parents did. This can be especially true when you have a history of trauma and abandonment.

Other parents arrive trying to understand their child’s behavior or worries and are wondering how to respond.

My parenting support is strongly grounded in brain science that shows that children rely on close and secure relationships with their caregivers (secure attachment). Together we can work to repair early hurts, understand troubling behaviors, gain new skills, and develop the family culture that you would like.